We operate the most effective way to address parking problems Most of the services can be really cost effective or even supplied to you free of charge.
Wide array of parking services: Self Ticketing Warden patrol Pay & Display Camera Control TPM HD - ANPR
The system is flexible for all businesses. Some businesses will allow customers a fixed time to park, some for employees only, some for permit holders only – the list is endless. Bars, Restaurants, Pubs, Shops, Office blocks etc. If you suffer with people parking on your land who should not be, then our system will work for you whatever size of car park you have. Most of the services can be really cosf effective or even supplied to you free of charge.

You will need your Parking Charge Reference and Vehicle Registration
Parking Charge Notice
and Vehicle Registration

Credit Card
or Debit Card
Pay your Parking Charge Notice Online now.
Don't leave it until it is too late.

If you wish to make an appeal.
If you have received an 'Parking Charge Notice' and you believe it has been issued incorrectly and wish to appeal you must do so within 28 days of date of issue. Click here for more information how to appeal and to download our PDF Appeal Form.
Private Parking Services London Ltd Announcement
As of 1st October 2012 a new law came into force concerning clamping and towing on private land which means it is now illegal to clamp or tow. Private Parking Solution (London) Ltd are now offering a new solution to manage and enforce parking on private land and off street car parks. We have introduced a new parking ticket system which allows us to issue Parking Charge Notices (PCN) to vehicles parked without authorisation (without permit), parked obstructively (any kind), on yellow lines or fail to display a valid tax disc. We will provide all signage and Parking Permits Free Of Charge.
PPS (London) Ltd are members of the British Parking Association (BPA) and are part of their Approved Operator Scheme (AOS). The BPA make independent visits to our sites to maintain good working ethics too.
As a member of AOS, PPS can gain access to a DVLA database where we can obtain details of the registered keeper of all vehicles and pursue any unpaid parking tickets. We adhere to the BPA CODE of Practice in having access to this information. We believe this approach is the way forward. Parking tickets will cost the motorist £100.00 but, if paid within the first 14 days of the issue, will be reduced to £60.
Our system works upon the signs stating that by parking on this land the vehicle driver enters a contract and by not having a valid permit in their vehicle, the terms of the contract are broken and therefore become liable for a ticket due to contract and trespassing law.

The Protection of Freedom Act 2012 (POFA 2012)
The Protection of Freedom Act 2012 (POFA 2012) Schedule 4 provides regulation for recovery of parking charge notices issued on private land.
The act introduces keeper liability for the first time on private land - on condition that an independent adjudication service is made available for motorists.
The Act stipulates that contract (car park terms and conditions) is between the driver and car park operator.
If the driver is unknown then the registered keeper of the vehicle is required to provide the name and the address of the driver, where the notice can be served.
If the register keeper refuses to do this or ignores the notice to keeper then after 28 days have passed, the registered keeper becomes liable for the parking charge and can be pursued for payment.
We operate an effective way, to address parking problems.
Private Parking Solutions (London) Ltd has an excellent track record for enforcing unpaid parking ticket charges via the courts.